Everyone in business is concerned with security. After all, it’s just as important to protect your company’s assets as it is to grow them. That means that when area businesses look into Denver security services, they’re looking to find a choice that brings them the service they need at a cost that fits within their budget. Spear Security Inc. has brought safety to all kinds of properties and peace of mind to owners, managers, and other businesspeople since 1994. Our primary goal is always to protect people and property from any and all threats that might be an issue, while also providing our savvy clients with the highest level of value.
Here at Spear Security, Inc. we offer protection on a 24 hour basis, seven days a week, and our team of highly skilled and experienced professionals focuses on tactics that actually work. This includes video surveillance of properties as well as courtesy patrol and guarding services covering all kinds of properties, businesses, and institutions. Our team has protected large apartment and condominiums as well as exclusive gated communities. We also cover hospitals, schools, warehouses, factories, malls, freestanding retail facilities and much more. At all times, our guards and other team members focus on an approach to security that concentrates on deescalating tense situations and utilizing the smallest possible foot print.
At the same time, we realize that everybody who runs any kind of an operation must keep one eye on their bottom lines at all times, so we’ll do everything possible to help you make the most of your security investment with us. To find out more, contact us by phone or e-mail today.